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midibox_ay_3_8912_volume [2008/11/26 13:31] lemonhorsemidibox_ay_3_8912_volume [2008/11/26 15:10] (current) lemonhorse
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 === CONTROL CHANGE 7, 8 and 9 (MIDI CC EVENTS) === === CONTROL CHANGE 7, 8 and 9 (MIDI CC EVENTS) ===
-A CC7 (VOLUME Tone A), CC8 (VOLUME Tone B) and CC9 (VOLUME Tone C) MIDI event overwrites the USER VOLUME VALUE (0-15) directly.+The CONTROL CHANGE7 (VOLUME Tone A), CC8 (VOLUME Tone B) and CC9 (VOLUME Tone C) MIDI event overwrites the USER VOLUME VALUE (0-15) directly.
 But the CC Value will only apply if the VELOCITY and the ENVELOPE mode is off. But the CC Value will only apply if the VELOCITY and the ENVELOPE mode is off.
midibox_ay_3_8912_volume.1227706308.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/11/26 13:31 by lemonhorse