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modulbox [2016/07/03 11:03] – created psykhazemodulbox [2016/07/07 01:57] (current) psykhaze
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 ====== Modulbox ====== ====== Modulbox ======
-ModulBox is a MBHP-NG Modular Control Surface created by Ksir. It allow you to build a Control surface fitted to your needs+ModulBox is a MBHP-NG Modular Control Surface created by [[Ksir]]. It allow you to build a Control surface fitted to your needs from small modules connected to some DIN / DOUT boards with a [[scs module|Standard Control Surface]]
-{{ ::neonking:modulbox.jpg?direct&500 |}}+{{ ::neonking:modulbox.jpg?direct |}} 
 +{{ ::neonking:modulbox2.jpg?direct |}}
-{{ ::neonking:modulbox_2.jpg?direct&500 |}}+===== Community user that worked on it =====
-===== Community users working on it =====+  * **[[Ksir]]** 
-  * **Ksir**  
-  * **[[Psykhaze]]**  
-===== Getting Involved ? ===== 
-Just let a Private message on the forum to users already involved 
modulbox.1467543815.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/03 11:03 by psykhaze