====== LED ====== {{ :neonking:leds.jpg?direct&350|}} ===== Introduction ===== LED is an industry acronym for **Light Emitting Diode**. These are usually small little "bulbs" that glow in different colors when they are "turned on" //(most common colors are red, green,yellow, blue or white) // ===== RGB LEDs ===== RGB (Red Green Blue) or multicolor LEDs can be serial driven by a core32. Some tests have already been made with **WS2812 ( APA106 )** LEDs and a core STM32 through J4B Pin. Original Forum Thread here: [[http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19752-rgb-hue-sweep/|RGB LEDs]] ===== White / Blue LEDs issue ===== It has been proven recently that the use of **high brightness White and Blue LEDs are not good to human sight**. The output light spectrum for these LEDs is some harsh for the eye. You should prefer using other colors LEDs or not using them too much. =====LED Matrix===== {{ ::neonking:ledmatrix.jpg?direct&600 |}}