Table of Contents

FAQ Getting Started

Where Do I Start ?

Reading About Electronics Basics could be a good thing.

If you already know some about electronics , exploring UCapps might help you in many ways to see what's possible to make with MIDIbox modules

Wich Most Basic Tools does I need ?

  1. Soldering Iron + voltmeter
  2. Computer with internet
  3. Brain

What Can i Build with Midibox ?

In a few words: a lot of things. Midibox is a modular system that will help you building the MIDI Synth , Sequencer or Controller of your dreams. Have a deeper review to UCapps

Do I need to know everything about Electronics to build a Midibox ?

Depends on what you want to do .

First, if you are not familiar with Electronics, a good start should be reading about Electronics Basics. Then ask yourself what you want to do :

I feel like not understanding things... Is this normal?

Yes, this is normal. Time, patience and perseverance are the 3 basic keys. There is much to learn here in the wiki if you take time to read things and ask precise questions on the forum.

A quote from TK's Himself:

Learning Curve:

                  ++++++++++       I'm working with a more complex framework
            ++++++                 I've implemented proposals from experts
        ++++                       I understand proposals from experts
       ++                          I'm getting some helpful hints from experts
      ++                           I'm asking the right questions in the forum
     ++                            I'm able to send some MIDI Notes based on tutorials
    ++                             I'm able to read & understand Wikis
   ++                              I'm able to troubleshoot configuration problems
  ++                               I'm able to configure & recompile premade applications
 ++                               I'm able to upload prebuilt binaries
++                                I know the right end of the soldering iron