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acsensorizer [2006/10/01 14:28] – upgraded to v 0.2.4 + version history added audiocommanderacsensorizer [2011/07/11 23:17] (current) admin
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 ======= AC Sensorizer ======= ======= AC Sensorizer =======
-====== Description =====+[[audiocommander|{{  ac:sensorizer_logo.jpeg}}]]
-**//AC Sensorizer sensorizes up to 8 sensors and interpolates its AIN-readings. 
-The main target of this application are sensoric devices delivering not exactly  
-0 - 5 V, like pressure-, distance-, resistor-based sensors or softPots.//** 
-This is a preliminary beta-release.\\ 
-Use and build at your own risk!\\ 
-There will be major improvements in the GUI/HUI within the release of the next version. Though the code basis (ACSensorizer.c) won't probably change that much... 
-// -- audiocommander// 
-Picture Gallery: \\ 
 \\ \\
-Demo-Video 1:, \\ 
-Demo-Video 2:, \\ 
-audicommander's YouTube Video Page: 
-Note: \\ 
-//The Sensorizer is attached to a Computer which converts the Controller Messages – produced by the Sensorizer – to harmonized and clock-synchronized Note-Signals. I'm using Absynth Sounds ...but due to the buggy versions and ugly customer support from NI, I discourage everyone using NI-products :( As soon as I have enough money, I'll switch to Virus :) // 
 \\ \\
- +[[acsensorizer_04|{{ac:sensorizer_mini_3d_front.jpg}}]] [[acsensorizer_basic|{{}}]]\\ 
-===== Features ===== +[[acsensorizer_04|ACSensorizer v0.4]]last release: 7/2007\\ 
- +**Current Version**
-  * supports up to 8 sensors, code can be adapted to use more (eg with PIC18F4620) +
-  * enable/disable single AINs +
-  * slowdownslows down the signal and increases the gaps between generated values +
-  * assignable CH and Controller-Number +
-  * sense-min10bit value, ignores every signal below +
-  * sense-max: 10bit value, ignores every signal above +
-  * sense-factor: used for signal interpolation... uses fast bitshifting or complex division depending on value +
-  * AUTO-sense feature: auto-calibration of sensor, detect MIN/MAX by sensing automatically adapts sense-factor! +
-  * scale from and scale to: scales the output value from/to +
-  * invert signal +
-  * pedal modes: +
-    * filter => only forward if pedal down;  +
-    * panic  => send panic on release pedal;  +
-    * combinations of all pedal mode options are possible  +
-  * detect release: send 0-value if signal drops below sense-min +
-  * bankstick support: 1 connected bankstick provides 2 banks with 127 patches each +
-  * midi configurable: full configuration possible with NRPN-messages  +
-    * NRPN-MSB CC99 for sensorSelect sysEx mode +
-    * NRPN-LSB CC98 for controlType +
-    * DataEntry MSB CC6 and LSB CC38 for controlValue +
-  * LCD-Output (2x16 or -recommended- 4x20) +
-  * HUI-Input to control up to sensors with 8 switch-encoderspedal, store- & panic-button in 2 modes (PLAY/SETUP) +
-  ACSim Console Debugger: code integrated and ready to use configured for XCode2 +
-    select "ACSim" as target and test the application via command-line +
-    inspect variables with a (graphical) debugger (GDB support within XCode2) +
-    visit -> there's a tutorial how to use Code::Blocks +
- +
- +
- +
 \\ \\
-===== Required hardware=====  
-**MBHP Modules:** 
-   * one MBHP_CORE module 
-   * one MBHP_LCD module (5x20 optimized, 2x16 available) 
-   * one MBHP_DIN module for 
- * 8 Encoders (preferrably with): 
- * 8 pushButtons 
- * 1 mode-select switch 
- * 1 pedal (optional) 
- * 1 PANIC button (optional) 
- * 1 STORE button (optional) 
- * 1 UP & 1 DOWN button (optional) 
-   * up to 8 (default: 4) sensors connected to unmuxed AIN (J5 of MBHP_CORE). Note that sensors 5 to 8 can only be configured via MIDI by sending NRPN-messages 
 \\ \\
 +<del>[[acsensorizer_02|ACSensorizer v0.2]], last release: 7/2006</del>\\
 +**There will be no further developments based on this HUI-concept!** \\
 +**It is strongly recommended to build v0.4 (more features, improved easy-to-use GUI)**
-====== Application Software ====== 
-  * [[|m5 sensorizer v 0.2.4]] (348 kB), download from 
-  * [[|readme.txt]] should really read this, even if you're not recompiling the software! 
 \\ \\
-//Version History// 
-0.2.2: initial release 
-0.2.3: removed MidiTrough and used MIOS_Merger 
- some minor bugs 
- two example miniAudicle/Chuck NRPN scripts are now included 
-0.2.4: fixed severe bank select bug that prevented accessing even banks 
-//Compiling Notes// 
-The application can be recompiled with a variety of strictly separated #define- 
-options. For example setting SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_HUI to 0 compiles the application  
-without hardware input controls and therefore reduces the file- and application space. 
-Compiling without HUI, BANKSTICK, NRPN-Config and LCD generates code with approx. 3 or 4 pages; compiling with all options will result in an application file of approx. 12 to 14 pages. 
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
 +have fun! // -- audiocommander //
-====== MIDI-Controllable Parameters ====== 
-All Sensorizer parameters can be controlled and set by sending NRPN messages by MIDI:  
-1. Send NRPN MSB (Controller# 99) to select control type\\ 
-2. Send NRPN LSB (Controller# 98) to set the control parameter\\ 
-3. Send NRPN Data MSB (Controller# 6) and NRPN Data LSB (Controller# 38) to set the parameter value\\ 
-^ NRPN MSB | | | | 
-^ CC ^ Value ^ Control Type ^ Note ^ 
-| CC99, 0x63 | 0..7 | Sensor 0..7 | See Table B | 
-| CC99, 0x63 | 126 | SysEx mode: ON | n/a | 
-| CC99, 0x63 | 127 | SysEx mode: OFF | n/a |  
-//  Table A: Control Types// 
-^ CC ^ Value ^ Control Parameter ^ CC ^ Value ^ Description ^ 
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x00 | enabled | CC38, 0x26 | 0/1 | ON/OFF |  
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x01 | pedalMode | CC38, 0x26 | 0..7 | FILTER/HOLD/PANIC/KOMBI | 
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x02 | autoSense | CC38, 0x26 | 0..2 | AUTOSENSE_OFF/_MIN/_MAX |  
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x03 | invert | CC38, 0x26 | 0/1 | 0..127 or 127..0 | 
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x04 | releaseDetect | CC38, 0x26 | 0/1 | send 0 on release |  
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x10 | slowdown | CC38, 0x26 |0..127 | drop AIN notifications |  
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x11 | sense_min | CC38, 0x26 & CC6, 0x6 | 0..1023 | drop below and set sense minimum |  
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x12 | sense_max | CC38, 0x26 & CC6, 0x6 | 0..1023 | drop above and set sense maximum | 
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x13 | sense_factor | CC38, 0x26 | 0..64 | f=(range/127) | 
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x21 | scale_from | CC38, 0x26 | 0..127 | restrict and rescale output | 
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x22 | scale_to | CC38, 0x26 | 0..127 | restrict and rescale output | 
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x70 | CH | CC38, 0x26 | 0..15 | MIDI Channel of sensor | 
-| CC98, 0x62 | 0x71 | CC | CC38, 0x26 | 0..127 | MIDI Controller Change Number of sensor | 
-//  Table B: Control Parameters// 
-====== HUI-Controllable Parameters ====== 
-:!: **The design of the Encoders is about to change with the next version. I just had one DIN at hand and the whole project had to be finished in time; with a second DIN and 4/5 more Encoders, everything will be a bit handier...** 
-If you build the Sensorizer with enabled HUI-mode, it provides configuration possibilities for 4 sensors. However, you could change the code easily to support all 8 sensors. 
-Used Hardware: 
-  * 1 Mode-Switch button (PLAYMODE <-> SETUPMODE) 
-  * 8 Encoders with Switch, two Encoders per sensor, the first row of encoders is called ENC_MIN, the lower ENC_MAX 
-  * 4 Buttons (UP, DOWN, STORE, PANIC) 
-^ Function ^ Encoder(s) ^ PLAYMODE ^ SETUP-MODE ^ 
-| Turn     | ENC_MIN    | slowdown factor | scale from | 
-| Turn     | ENC_MAX    | send value      | scale to   | 
-| Press & Turn | ENC_MIN | CH (MIDI Channel) | senseMin (10bit) | 
-| Press & Turn | ENC_MAX | CC (MIDI Controller) | senseMax (10bit) | 
-|       | | | | 
-| Press | ENC_MIN + ENC_MAX | sensor ON | AUTOSENSE_MIN | 
-| Press | ENC_MAX + ENC_MIN | sensor OFF | AUTOSENSE_MAX | 
-|       | | | | 
-| Press | PANIC + PEDAL | switch PEDALMODE (Mode 0 to 7) | | 
-| Press | PANIC + ENC_MAX | switch RELEASE DETECT (ON/OFF) | | 
-| Press & Turn | PANIC + ENC_MAX | senseFactor (0-32) | - | 
-//  Table C: Encoder Controls// 
-====== BANKSTICK Patch Description ====== 
-m5_sensorizer supports writing and reading to a connected bankstick.\\ 
-Each patch consists of 2 pages ˆ 64 bytes => 128 bytes\\ 
-2 banks with 128 patches each are available per 1 connected bankstick 
-Sending a PRG_CH message in PLAYMODE [P] loads the corresponding patch.\\ 
-Sending a PRG_CH message in SETUPMODE[S] sets the corresponding patch without loading the patch data. Use this behavior to copy patches. 
-Choose the appropriate bank by sending a Coarse-Adjust Bankselect (CC#0).\\ 
-In HUI-Mode, switching a bank on the device also sends the current Bank/PRG.\\ 
-Memory-map of one patch:\\ 
-^ Data        ^ Size in Bytes = Sum ^ Page     ^ Address   ^ 
-| Version         | 01 =  1         | 1 @ 0x00 | 0 @ 0x00  | 
-| PatchName       | 15 = 16         | 1        | 1         | 
-|   <reserved>    | 08 = 24         | 1        | 16 @ 0x10 | 
-| sensor[8]       | 08 = 32         | 1        | 24        | 
-| CH[8]           | 08 = 40         | 1        | 32 @ 0x20 | 
-| CC[8]           | 08 = 48         | 1        | 40        | 
-|   <reserved>    | 16 = 64         | 1        | 48 @ 0x30 | 
-|                 | | | | 
-| slowdown[8]     | 08 =  8         | 2 @ 0x40 | 0 @ 0x00  | 
-| sense_factor[8] | 08 = 16         | 2        | 8         | 
-| sens_min[8].MSB | 08 = 24         | 2        | 16 @ 0x10 | 
-| sens_min[8].LSB | 08 = 32         | 2        | 24        | 
-| sens_max[8].MSB | 08 = 40         | 2        | 32 @ 0x20 | 
-| sens_max[8].LSB | 08 = 48         | 2        | 40        | 
-| scale_from[8]   | 08 = 56         | 2        | 48 @ 0x30 | 
-| scale_to[8]     | 08 = 64         | 2        | 56        | 
-// Table D: Bankstick Patch Content// 
-Patch addresses are: (patch * 0x80)\\ 
-or PIC-optimized: (unsigned int)patch << 7 
-Example hex-output of patch#0: 
-**MIOS_BANKSTICK_WritePage at 0x0  
-0:     02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................ 
-16:    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 80 80 80 40 08 00 00  ............@... 
-32:    00 00 00 00 04 04 04 04 14 15 16 17 00 00 00 00  ................ 
-48:    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................ 
-**MIOS_BANKSTICK_WritePage at 0x40  
-0:     08 08 08 08 00 00 00 00 04 04 04 04 00 00 00 00  ................ 
-16:    00 00 00 00 7f 00 00 00 40 40 40 40 7f 00 00 00  ........@@@@.... 
-32:    03 03 03 03 00 00 00 00 70 70 70 70 40 40 40 40  ........pppp@@@@ 
-48:    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7f 7f 7f 7f 00 00 00 00  ................ 
-More details can be found in the readme.txt!\\ 
-This site is about to change while the Sensorizer is beeing developed further!\\ 
-have fun! // -- audiocommander // 
acsensorizer.1159712930.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/10/15 09:35 (external edit)