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midibox_seq_quick_reference [2010/05/08 18:15] – MB SEQ functions - quick reference part1 upd1 gjvtimidibox_seq_quick_reference [2010/05/09 17:11] – xls download added gjvti
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 ====== MB SEQ functions - quick reference ====== ====== MB SEQ functions - quick reference ======
 Detailed info for options and functions is available at Detailed info for options and functions is available at
-[[]] +[[]] \\  
 +Print-friendly (on two A4 sheets) xls version available here {{|}}
 \\  \\ 
 ^ #      ^ Function       ^ Description / Options          ^ ^ #      ^ Function       ^ Description / Options          ^
 | ||| | |||
-^ **Dedicated button functions** //(theese can vary depending on panel design and MBSEQ_HW.V4 file)//  ^^^ +^ **Dedicated button functions** //(these can vary depending on panel design and MBSEQ_HW.V4 file)//  ^^^ 
-| 1 \\  | Pattern\\ 1,2,3,4 | Select pattern/track group - G1, G2, G3, G4 \\  | +| 1 \\  | **Pattern**\\ 1,2,3,4 | Select pattern/track group - G1, G2, G3, G4 \\  | 
-| 2 \\  | Track\\ 1,2,3,4 | Select track within track group - T1, T2, T3, T4. 16 tracks are available in total \\  | +| 2 \\  | **Track**\\ 1,2,3,4 | Select track within track group - T1, T2, T3, T4. 16 tracks are available in total \\  | 
-| 3 \\  | Trigger layer\\ A,B,C | Select trigger layer A or B or C. Holding C opens trigger layer selection menu and allows to select others\\  <html> | Gate | Acc | Roll | Glide | Skip | R.G(random gate) | R.V(random value) | No FX | </html> \\ | +| 3 \\  | **Trigger layer**\\ A,B,C | Select trigger layer A or B or C. Holding C opens trigger layer selection menu and allows to select others\\  <html>  | Gate | Acc | Roll | Glide | Skip | R.G(random gate) | R.V(random value) | No FX | </html> \\ | 
-| 4 \\  \\  | Parameter layer  \\ A,B,C \\  | Select parameter layer A and B. C switches between C & D or with //Pressed&Hold// open parameter layer selection menu and allows to select others. \\  Four parameter layers available by default, but CC, Pitch, Prob, Delay can be added via trigger selection menu //(?)// FIXME\\ <html> | Note | Vel | Length | Roll | </html>+| 4 \\  \\  | **Parameter layer**  \\ A,B,C \\  | Select parameter layer A and B. C switches between C & D or with //Press&Hold// open parameter layer selection menu and to select others. \\  Four parameter layers available by default, but CC, Pitch, Prob, Delay can be added __via trigger selection menu //(?)//__ FIXME\\ <html>  | Note | Vel | Length | Roll | </html>
-| 5 \\  | Step View \\  | View and select steps if more than 16 are used\\  <html> | 1..16 | 17..32 | ...etc</html>+| 5 \\  | **Step View** \\  | View and select steps if more than 16 are used\\  <html>  | 1..16 | 17..32 | ...etc</html>
-| 6 \\  | Pattern \\  | Select/load pattern/track group G1, G2, G3, G4 from SD memory location \\  | +| 6 \\  | **Pattern** \\  | Select/load pattern/track group G1, G2, G3, G4 from SD memory location \\  | 
-| 7 \\  | Song \\  | Select song parameters\\ <html> | Song # | Position | Action{Stop; x1..x16; Jump Pos; Jump Song; Mixer; Tempo; Mutes} || Select patterns: G1,G2,G3,G4 | </html>+| 7 \\  | **Song** \\  | Select song parameters\\ <html>  | Song # | Position | Action{Stop; x1..x16; Jump Pos; Jump Song; Mixer; Tempo; Mutes} || Select patterns: G1,G2,G3,G4 | </html>
-| 8 \\  | Edit \\  | Enter edit mode to edit parameter layer step values and set trigger layer steps \\  | +| 8 \\  | **Edit** \\  | Enter edit mode to edit parameter layer step values and set trigger layer steps \\  | 
-| 9 \\  | Mute \\  | Quickly mute/unmute tracks 1...16 \\  | +| 9 \\  | **Mute** \\  | Quickly mute/unmute tracks 1...16 \\  | 
-| 10  \\  | Solo \\  | Solo current track \\  | +| 10  \\  | **Solo** \\  | Solo current track \\  | 
-| 11 \\  | <-/-> \\ //(Left/Right)// | Move cursor position. //Left// has limited usage\\  | +| 11 \\  | **<-/->** \\ //(Left/Right)// | Move cursor position. //Left// has limited usage\\  | 
-| 12  \\  | +/- \\ //(Inc/Dec)//| Same as //Jog Dial// encoder - increases/decreases the current value\\  | +| 12  \\  | **+/-** \\ //(Inc/Dec)//| Same as //Jog Dial// encoder - increases/decreases the current value\\  | 
-| 13  \\  | Exit \\  | Quickly exit to top menu\\  | +| 13  \\  | **Exit** \\  | Quickly exit to top menu\\  | 
-| 14  \\  | Select \\  | //(Press&Hold)// Select steps to be controlled by //All// function. Obviously has usage in other situations as well FIXME \\  | +| 14  \\  | **Select** \\  | //(Press&Hold)// Select steps to be controlled by //All// function. __Obviously has usage in other situations as well //(which?)//__ FIXME \\  | 
-| 15  \\  | All \\  | Edit all selected steps set with //Select// function\\  | +| 15  \\  | **All** \\  | Edit all selected steps set with //Select// function\\  | 
-| 16  \\  | Copy \\  | Copy steps from selected # to #. Selection can be edited by //Select// function\\  | +| 16  \\  | **Copy** \\  | Copy steps from selected # to #. Step # can be edited by //Select// function\\  | 
-| 17  \\  | Paste \\  | Paste copied steps starting from # step. Selection can be edited by //Select// function\\  | +| 17  \\  | **Paste** \\  | Paste copied steps starting from # step. Step # can be edited by //Select// function\\  | 
-| 18  \\  | F1\\ //(Clear)// | //(Press&Hold)// Wipe selected track. Other functions can be assigned in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file\\  | +| 18  \\  | **F1**\\ //(Clear)// | //(Press&Hold)// Wipe selected track. Other functions can be assigned in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file\\  | 
-| 19  \\  | F2\\ //(Select track)// | //(Press&Hold)// Select track. Other functions can be assigned in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file\\  | +| 19  \\  | **F2**\\ //(Select track)// | //(Press&Hold)// Select track. Other functions can be assigned in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file\\  | 
-| 20  \\  | F3\\ //(Select parameter layer)// | //(Press&Hold)// Select parameter layer A,B,C,D...etc. Other functions can be assigned in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file\\  | +| 20  \\  | **F3**\\ //(Select parameter layer)// | //(Press&Hold)// Select parameter layer A,B,C,D...etc. Other functions can be assigned in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file\\  | 
-| 21  \\  | F4\\ //(Select trigger layer)// | //(Press&Hold)// Select/assign trigger layer 1..8. Other functions can be assigned in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file\\  | +| 21  \\  | **F4**\\ //(Select trigger layer)// | //(Press&Hold)// Select/assign trigger layer 1..8. Other functions can be assigned in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file\\  | 
-| 22  \\  | Rec \\  | Open record menu\\ <html> | Track # | Record{Live; Step} | Mode{Mono; Poly} | AStart{on; off} | Step # | TglGate || Port # | Chn # | </html>+| 22  \\  | **Rec** \\  | Open record menu\\ <html>  | Track # | Record{Live; Step} | Mode{Mono; Poly} | AStart{on; off} | Step # | TglGate || Port # | Chn # | </html>
-| 23  \\  | <<  \\  | Rewind. Active only in song mode\\   | +| 23  \\  | **<<**  \\  | Rewind. Active only in song mode\\   | 
-| 24  \\  | Stop  \\  | Stop playback and reset position to beginning \\  | +| 24  \\  | **Stop**  \\  | Stop playback and reset position to beginning \\  | 
-| 25  \\  | Play  \\  | Start playback of patterns/song \\  | +| 25  \\  | **Play**  \\  | Start playback of patterns/song \\  | 
-| 26  \\  | Pause \\  | Halt/resume playback \\  | +| 26  \\  | **Pause** \\  | Halt/resume playback \\  | 
-| 27  \\  | >> \\  | Forward. Active only in song mode\\   | +| 27  \\  | **>>** \\  | Forward. Active only in song mode\\   | 
-| 28  \\  | Metronome \\  | Toggle metronome on/off \\  | +| 28  \\  | **Metronome** \\  | Toggle metronome on/off \\  | 
-| 29  \\  | Fast \\  | Activate //Fast// mode for quicker value selection with encoders. Speed options for //Fast// can be changed in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file\\  | +| 29  \\  | **Fast** \\  | Activate //Fast// mode for quicker value selection with encoders. Speed options for //Fast// can be changed in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file\\  | 
-| 30  \\  | Scrub \\  | //(Press&Hold)// + //Jog Wheel// dynamically change actual position\\  |+| 30  \\  | **Scrub** \\  | //(Press&Hold)// + //Jog Wheel// dynamically change actual position\\  |
 ^ **Menu functions**  ^^^ ^ **Menu functions**  ^^^
-| 31  \\  | Menu+Scrub \\  | Toggle loop mode on/off\\  | +| 31  \\  | **Menu+Scrub** \\  | Toggle loop mode on/off\\  | 
-| 32  \\  | Menu+GP1\\ //(Mixer)// | Open mixer view for 16 tracks. 12 pages can be switched with +/-. An additional options available with //Select// button FIXME \\ <html> | Midi port | Midi channel | Prog change | Volume | Panorama | Reverb | Chorus | CC1 | CC2 | CC3 | CC4 | </html>+| 32  \\  | **Menu+GP1**\\ //(Mixer)// | Open mixer view for 16 tracks. 12 pages can be switched with +/-. An additional options available with //Select// button __//More details?//__ FIXME \\ <html>  | Midi port | Midi channel | Prog change | Volume | Panorama | Reverb | Chorus | CC1 | CC2 | CC3 | CC4 | </html>
-| 33  \\  | Menu+GP2\\ //(Event)// | Open track setup editor\\ <html> | Track # | Type{Note; Chord; CC; Drum} | Step # | ParL # | TrgL # | Port # | Chn # | Edit Name | </html>+| 33  \\  | **Menu+GP2**\\ //(Event)// | Open track setup editor\\ <html>  | Track # | Type{Note; Chord; CC; Drum} | Step # | ParL # | TrgL # | Port # | Chn # | Edit Name | </html>
-| 34  \\  \\  | Menu+GP3\\ //(Mode)//\\  | Open track mode editor\\ <html> | Track # | Track on/off | Normal, Transpose, Arpeggiator | </html>\\ <html> |+| 34  \\  \\  | **Menu+GP3**\\ //(Mode)// \\  | Open track mode editor\\ <html>  | Track # | Track on/off | Normal, Transpose, Arpeggiator | </html>\\ <html>  |
 Hold{on; off} | Sort{on; off} | Restart{on; off} | Scale{on; off} | Sustain{on; off} | </html> | Hold{on; off} | Sort{on; off} | Restart{on; off} | Scale{on; off} | Sustain{on; off} | </html> |
-| 35  \\  \\  | Menu+GP4\\ //(Direction)//\\   | Open track playback direction editor\\ <html> | Track # | Select playback mode: Forward, Backward, PingPong, Pendulum,  Rand.Dir, Rand.Step, Rand.D+S | </html>\\ <html> | Fwd # | Back # | Replay # | Repeat # | Skip # | Itv # | SyncM{yes; no} | </html>+| 35  \\  \\  | **Menu+GP4**\\ //(Direction)//\\   | Open track playback direction editor\\ <html>  | Track # | Select playback mode: Forward, Backward, PingPong, Pendulum,  Rand.Dir, Rand.Step, Rand.D+S | </html>\\ <html>  | Fwd # | Back # | Replay # | Repeat # | Skip # | Itv # | SyncM{yes; no} | </html>
-| 36  \\  | Menu+GP5\\ //(Divider)// | Open track clock divider setup editor\\ <html> | Track # | Clock # | Divider{normal; triplet} | Sync to Measure{on; off} || Timebase selector: 1, 2, 4, 8 ..etc | </html>+| 36  \\  | **Menu+GP5**\\ //(Divider)// | Open track clock divider setup editor\\ <html>  | Track # | Clock # | Divider{normal; triplet} | Sync to Measure{on; off} || Timebase selector: 1, 2, 4, 8 ..etc | </html>
-| 37  \\  | Menu+GP6\\ //(Length)// | Open track length editor\\ <html> | Track # | Length # | Loop # || Quick length selection: 4, 8, 16 ..etc | </html>+| 37  \\  | **Menu+GP6**\\ //(Length)// | Open track length editor\\ <html>  | Track # | Length # | Loop # || Quick length selection: 4, 8, 16 ..etc | </html>
-| 38  \\  | Menu+GP7\\ //(Transpose)// | Open track transpose editor\\ <html> | Track # | Transpose selector: -7 oct ... +7 oct | -7 sem ... +7 sem | </html> |+| 38  \\  | **Menu+GP7**\\ //(Transpose)// | Open track transpose editor\\ <html>  | Track # | Transpose selector: -7 oct ... +7 oct | -7 sem ... +7 sem | </html> | 
 +| 39  \\  | **Menu+GP8**\\ //(Groove)// | Open track groove editor\\ <html>  | Track # | Groove style{off; shuffle ... etc} | Intensity # || Step # | Dly # | Len # | Vel # | Num Steps # | </html>
 +| 40  \\  | **Menu+GP9**\\ //(Trigger)// | Open track trigger layer selection menu\\ <html>  | Gate | Acc | Roll | Glide | Skip | R.G(random gate) | R.V(random value) | No FX | </html>
 +| 41 \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  | **Menu+GP10**\\ //(FX)//\\   \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  | Open FX editor\\ <html>  | Local{Echo; Hum; Limit; LFO} || Global{Loop; Scale} | </html> \\ <html>   ·[Echo] | Track # | Repeats # | Delay # | Vel.Lev # || FB Velocity % | Note # | Gatelen % | Tcks % | </html> \\ <html>   ·[Hum] | Track # | Intensity # | Note{on; off} | Vel/CC{on; off} | Length{on; off} | </html> \\ <html>   ·[Limit] | Track # | Lower # | Upper # | </html> \\ <html>   ·[LFO] | Track # | Wave{off; sine ..etc} | Amp # | Phs % | Steps # | Rst # | OneShot{on; off} |</html>\\ <html>     | Note{on; off} | Vel{on; off} | Len{on; off} | CC{on; off} | ExtraCC # | Offs # | PPQN # </html> \\ <html>   ·[Loop] | Mode{all tracks / step view ..etc} | Offset # | Steps # | Loop{on; off]} </html> \\ <html>   ·[Scale] | Control{global, G1, G2 ..etc} | Root{Keyb, C ...etc} | Selected scale{major; minor ...etc} </html> \\ | 
 +| 42  \\  | **Menu+GP11**\\ //(Manual trigger)// | Manually trigger steps, //(Press&Hold)+Select// for sync to measure\\ <html>  | | </html> __//options?//__ FIXME | 
 +| 43  \\  | **Menu+GP12**\\ //(Morph)// | Open track morphing setup\\ <html>  | Track # | Mode{on; off} | Dst.Range # | Value # || Morphing control (also by CC1) | </html>
 +| 44  \\  \\  | **Menu+GP13**\\ //(BPM)//\\   | Open BPM settings editor __//Options for In and Out?//__ FIXME \\ <html>  | Mode{Auto; Slave; Master} | Preset # | Tempo # | Ramp sec. | Fire Preset | Preset Page |</html>\\ <html>  | MClk{USB1 ..etc} | In (?) | Out (?) | Din PPQN # | Ext.Restart | Tap Tempo | </html>
 +| 45  \\  | **Menu+GP14**\\ //(Save)// | Open save menu\\ <html>  | Group # | Location # | Target # | Save || Category | Label | </html>
 +| 46  \\  \\  \\  \\   | **Menu+GP15**\\ //(MIDI)//\\  \\  \\   | Opens midi setup editor \\ <html>  ·[Transpose and arp] Port # | Chn # | T/A Split{on; off} | Midd.Note # | Reset Stcks</html>\\ <html>  ·[Section Control] Port # | Chn # | G1 # | G2 # | G3 # | G4 # | Fwd port |  Reset Stcks</html>\\ <html>  ·[Midi Router] Node # | In port | Chn # | Out port | Chn # | Default Port</html>\\ <html>  ·[Misc] BLM_Scalar port{on; off} | Midi Monitor </html>
 +| 47  \\   | **Menu+GP16**\\ //(SysEx)// | SysEx operations __//Options?//__ FIXME\\   | 
 +^ **Utility functions**  ^^^ 
 +| 48  \\  | **Utility+GP1**\\ //(Track Select)// | Select active track \\  | 
 +| 49  \\  | **Utility+GP2**\\ //(Copy)// | Copy steps from selected # to #. Step # can be edited by //Select// function\\   | 
 +| 50  \\  | **Utility+GP3**\\ //(Paste)// | Paste copied steps starting from # step. Step # can be edited by //Select// function\\   | 
 +| 51  \\  | **Utility+GP4**\\ //(Clear)// | Wipe the track. **No options - Wipes the track instantly!!!**\\   | 
 +| 52  \\  | **Utility+GP5**\\ //(Move)// | Move selected steps (like copy and paste together)\\   | 
 +| 53  \\  | **Utility+GP6**\\ //(Scroll)// | Scroll the steps across\\   | 
 +| 54  \\  | **Utility+GP7**\\ //(Random)// | Generates random events\\ <html>  | Track # | Generate | Clr | Util | Undo || LayerA # | LayerB # | LayerC # | TrgA # | Trg B # | Trg C # | </html>\\ | 
 +| 55  \\  | **Utility+GP8**\\ //(Undo)// | Undo last //Paste, Clear, Move, Scroll, Random// operation\\   | 
 +| 56  \\  | **Utility+GP9**\\ //(Save)// | Open save menu\\ <html>  | Group # | Location # | Target # | Save || Category | Label | </html>\\ | 
 +| 57  \\  | **Utility+GP10**\\ //(Record)// | Open record menu\\ <html>  | Track # | Record{Live; Step} | Mode{Mono; Poly} | AStart{on; off} | Step # | TglGate || Port # | Chn # | </html>
 +| 58  \\  | **Utility+GP11**\\ //(Mixer)// | Open mixer view for 16 tracks. 12 pages can be switched with +/-. An additional options available with //Select// button __//More details?//__ FIXME \\ <html>  | Midi port | Midi channel | Prog change | Volume | Panorama | Reverb | Chorus | CC1 | CC2 | CC3 | CC4 | </html>
 +| 59  \\  \\  | **Utility+GP12**\\ //(Options)// \\  | Open options menu\\ <html>  | Measure # | Pattern # | SyncChange (on, off) | Paste/Clr steps | </html>\\ <html>  | Remote{auto;client;server} | ID # | Port # | Request connection{no} | </html>
 +| 60  \\  | **Utility+GP13**\\ //(Port Mute)// | Access output port muting menu\\ <html>  | Def | USB1 | USB2 ...etc... AOUT | Bus1 | Bus2 | </html>
 +| 61  \\  | **Utility+GP14**\\ //(Disk)// | Open disk menu\\ <html>  MSD USB{disabled; enabled/Pres&Hold/} | Midi files{import; export; play} </html>
 +| 62  \\  | **Utility+GP15**\\ //(Mute)// | Quick mute of all tracks/channels \\  | 
 +| 63  \\  | **Utility+GP16**\\ //(Unmute)// | Quick unmute of all tracks/channels \\  | 
 +**To do:** 
 +  * check descriptions and options for all functions in this quick reference 
 +  * fix/complement all "fixme" issues 
 +  * add //highlight// and //fontcolor// [] plugins so that font/background color of the options can be changed 
-| 4 | a | b | 
-| ::: | ::: | | 
midibox_seq_quick_reference.txt · Last modified: 2010/05/18 16:45 by gjvti