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MB SEQ functions - quick reference

# Function Description / Options
Dedicated button functions (theese can vary depending on panel design and MBSEQ_HW.V4 file)
1 Pattern 1,2,3,4 Select pattern/track group - G1, G2, G3, G4
2 Track 1,2,3,4 Select track within track group - T1, T2, T3, T4 (16 tracks are available in total)
3 Trigger layer A,B,C Select trigger layer A or B or C. Holding C opens trigger layer selection menu and allows to select others
Gate Acc Roll Glide Skip R.G(random gate) R.V(random value) No FX </html>
4 Parameter layer A,B,C Select parameter layer A and B. C switches between C & D or if Pressed&Hold opens parameter layer selection menu and allows to select others
Note Vel Length Roll </html>
theese are default options, but CC, Pitch, Prob, Delay can be added via trigger selection menu (?)FIXME
5 Step View View and select steps if more than 16 are used
1..16 17..32 …etc</html>
4 a b
midibox_seq_quick_reference.1273335382.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/05/08 16:16 by gjvti