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When you initialize a track as a CHORD track type, the first parameter layer is a special “chord” layer. Data on this layer is represented as upper or lower case letters with an octave offset. The letters on CHORD layers are not related to note names - For example, a “C” is not necessarily a C chord.

When not transposed, the chords in a chord layer are all C chord variants. You can play other chords by transposing the chord track. If you're not up on your music theory, you might want to use Force-To-Scale when transposing chords to ensure that your results are always in key.

When not transposed, the letters correspond to the following chords:

  • A-C: Major I, Major II, Major III (transposed variants)
    • A: C Major (Root position) (notes: C E G)
    • B: C Major (1st inversion) (notes: E G C)
    • C: C Major (2nd inversion) (notes: G C E)
  • D-F: Root note, 3rd note, 5th note (single notes)
    • D: note: C
    • E: note: E
    • F: note: G
  • G,H: Root+3rd, Root+5th
    • G: notes: C E
    • H: notes: C G
  • I-N: Maj6, Maj7, Maj8, Maj9, Maj10, Maj12 (4-note chords)
    • I: C Maj6 (notes: C E G A)
    • J: C Maj7 (notes: C E G B)
    • K: C Maj8 (notes: C E G C)
    • L: C Maj9 (notes: C E G D)
    • M: C Maj10 (notes: C G C E)
    • N: C Maj12 (notes: C G C G)
  • O-P: Sus4 and Maj+
    • O: C Sus4 (notes: C F G)
    • P: C Maj+ (notes: C E G#)
  • a-c: Minor I, Minor II, Minor III (transposed variants)
    • a: C Minor (Root position) (notes: C D# G)
    • b: C Minor (1st inversion) (notes: D# G C)
    • c: C Minor (2nd inversion) (notes: G C D#)
  • d-f: Root note, 3rd Min. note, 5th note (single notes)
    • d: note: C
    • e: note: D#
    • f: note: G
  • g,h: Root+3rd min, Root+5th
    • g: notes: C D#
    • h: notes: C G
  • i-n: Min6, Min7, Min8, Min9, Min10, Min12 (4-note chords)
    • i: C Min6 (notes: C D# G A)
    • j: C Min7 (notes: C D# G B)
    • k: C Min8 (notes: C D# G C)
    • l: C Min9 (notes: C D# G D)
    • m: C Min10 (notes: C G C E)
    • n: C Min12 (notes: C G C F#)
  • o-p: CoG and Min+
    • o: CoG (notes: C F G)
    • p: C Min+ (notes: C E G#)


mididocs/seq/chords.1411613016.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/25 02:43 by borfo