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Hey MIDIBoxers!

Here I plan to blog my progress on all things MIOS from now on. There are two areas I'll be focussing on, for now - stock MIDIBoxes, and a customized sequencer that I have been planning off and on for a couple of years now.

I had a bit of a disaster recently and lost pretty much everything I owned, so I really have to start from scratch all over again. I hope that by sharing my experiences, I will lend some experience to others starting out later on. This is where the stock MIDIBoxes come into play. I'll be breaking it down into these sections:

  • Preparation - This will be mostly about tools required to do all of the projects, from soldering iron to wire strippers and everything else I come across
  • MBSeq - My first project will be a stock MBSeq v2.
  • MBSID - Next up is a 4xSID. at this point in time, I believe I'll leave the control surface as software, but we'll see…
  • MBFM - Next up is a stock MBFM

Now, I'm a very busy man, so while I'm taking my sweet time preparing for and building the above,(don't expect anything to happen too quickly around here! All my time is used up, earning money to pay for these toys hehehe) I'll also be working on my baby. Ladies and gents, believe it or not, after all this time, I finally have a working name for her! So withour further ado, a link to my blog specifically for the

MIDIBox Sequencer vX

stryd_one.1143218820.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/10/15 09:35 (external edit)