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The MIDIbox Hardware Platform


The MIDIbox Hardware Platform is the consequential continuation of my work on MIDI controllers in the last years. It brings down every design to one standardized environment with reusable and exchangeable modules.

Well, this method is nothing new, did you ever saw the inner life of an old television, or a HIFI system, or a computer, or - of course - a modular synthesizer system? All are consisting of smaller or larger units, which interact over dedicated interfaces. This way of thinking, which simplifies the understanding of complex technical applications, is now also promoted by the MBHP.

The focus of the platform:

  • well defined and documented modules
  • small, uncomplicated circuits
  • realizable on PCBs (single-layer) and prototype boards
  • PCBs designed with a freeware CAD program
  • different firmwares for different configurations
  • open for future extensions by other hobbyists
  • programming examples in the PRG and MIOS Download section
what_is_a_midibox.1142539141.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/10/15 09:35 (external edit)