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AC Sensorizer v0.2



This sensorizer project (version 0.2) uses an outdated GUI. There will be no further developments; instead go and build the new ACSensorizer - there have been made major improvements in the GUI/HUI ⇒ AC Sensorizer 0.4


AC Sensorizer sensorizes up to 8 sensors and interpolates its AIN-readings. The main target of this application are sensoric devices delivering not exactly 0 - 5 V, like pressure-, distance-, resistor-based sensors or softPots.

This is a preliminary beta-release.
Use and build at your own risk!
There have been made major improvements in the GUI/HUI within the newer release called AC Sensorizer Basic
The Sensorizer Stage (this one here) will be updated later on, but it is very likely that one more DIN and some more Encoders will be added! – audiocommander

www.audiocommander.de_picbrowser_galleries_060827_sensorizer_m5_sensorizer_snap_010.jpg www.audiocommander.de_picbrowser_galleries_060827_sensorizer_m5_sensorizer_snap_002.jpg www.audiocommander.de_picbrowser_galleries_060827_sensorizer_m5_sensorizer_snap_103.jpg www.audiocommander.de_picbrowser_galleries_060827_sensorizer_m5_sensorizer_snap_001.jpg
www.audiocommander.de_picbrowser_galleries_060827_sensorizer_m5_sensorizer_snap_006.jpg www.audiocommander.de_picbrowser_galleries_060827_sensorizer_m5_sensorizer_snap_007.jpg www.audiocommander.de_picbrowser_galleries_060827_sensorizer_m5_sensorizer_snap_105.jpg www.audiocommander.de_picbrowser_galleries_060827_sensorizer_m5_sensorizer_snap_111.jpg

Picture Gallery:

Demo-Video 1:,
Demo-Video 2:,

audicommander's YouTube Video Page:

The Sensorizer is attached to a Computer which converts the Controller Messages – produced by the Sensorizer – to harmonized and clock-synchronized Note-Signals. I'm using Absynth Sounds …but due to the buggy versions I'm looking forward to use a hardware synth somewhen


  • supports up to 8 sensors, code can be adapted to use more (eg with PIC18F4620)
  • enable/disable single AINs
  • slowdown: slows down the signal and increases the gaps between generated values
  • assignable CH and Controller-Number
  • sense-min: 10bit value, ignores every signal below
  • sense-max: 10bit value, ignores every signal above
  • sense-factor: used for signal interpolation… uses fast bitshifting or complex division depending on value
  • AUTO-sense feature: auto-calibration of sensor, detect MIN/MAX by sensing automatically adapts sense-factor!
  • scale from and scale to: scales the output value from/to
  • invert signal
  • pedal modes:
    • filter ⇒ only forward if pedal down;
    • panic ⇒ send panic on release pedal;
    • combinations of all pedal mode options are possible
  • detect release: send 0-value if signal drops below sense-min
  • bankstick support: 1 connected bankstick provides 2 banks with 127 patches each
  • midi configurable: full configuration possible with NRPN-messages
    • NRPN-MSB CC99 for sensorSelect / sysEx mode
    • NRPN-LSB CC98 for controlType
    • DataEntry MSB CC6 and LSB CC38 for controlValue
  • LCD-Output (2×16 or -recommended- 4×20)
  • HUI-Input to control up to 4 sensors with 8 switch-encoders, pedal, store- & panic-button in 2 modes (PLAY/SETUP)
  • ACSim Console Debugger: code integrated and ready to use configured for XCode2
    • select “ACSim” as target and test the application via command-line
    • inspect variables with a (graphical) debugger (GDB support within XCode2)
    • visit http://www.midibox.orgthere's a tutorial how to use Code::Blocks

Required hardware

MBHP Modules:

  • one MBHP_CORE module
  • one MBHP_LCD module (5×20 optimized, 2×16 available)
  • one MBHP_DIN module for
    • 8 Encoders (preferrably with):
    • 8 pushButtons
    • 1 mode-select switch
    • 1 pedal (optional)
    • 1 PANIC button (optional)
    • 1 STORE button (optional)
    • 1 UP & 1 DOWN button (optional)


  • up to 8 (default: 4) sensors connected to unmuxed AIN (J5 of MBHP_CORE). Note that sensors 5 to 8 can only be configured via MIDI by sending NRPN-messages

Application Software

Version History

  • 0.2.2:
    • initial release
  • 0.2.3:
    • removed MidiTrough and used MIOS_Merger
    • some minor bugs
    • two example miniAudicle/Chuck NRPN scripts are now included
  • 0.2.4:
    • fixed severe bank select bug that prevented accessing even banks

Compiling Notes

The application can be recompiled with a variety of strictly separated #define- options. For example setting SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_HUI to 0 compiles the application without hardware input controls and therefore reduces the file- and application space. Compiling without HUI, BANKSTICK, NRPN-Config and LCD generates code with approx. 3 or 4 pages; compiling with all options will result in an application file of approx. 12 to 14 pages.

MIDI-Controllable Parameters

All Sensorizer parameters can be controlled and set by sending NRPN messages by MIDI:

1. Send NRPN MSB (Controller# 99) to select control type
2. Send NRPN LSB (Controller# 98) to set the control parameter
3. Send NRPN Data MSB (Controller# 6) and NRPN Data LSB (Controller# 38) to set the parameter value

CC Value Control Type Note
CC99, 0x63 0..7 Sensor 0..7 See Table B
CC99, 0x63 126 SysEx mode: ON n/a
CC99, 0x63 127 SysEx mode: OFF n/a

Table A: Control Types

CC Value Control Parameter CC Value Description
CC98, 0x62 0x00 enabled CC38, 0x26 0/1 ON/OFF
CC98, 0x62 0x01 pedalMode CC38, 0x26 0..7 FILTER/HOLD/PANIC/KOMBI
CC98, 0x62 0x02 autoSense CC38, 0x26 0..2 AUTOSENSE_OFF/_MIN/_MAX
CC98, 0x62 0x03 invert CC38, 0x26 0/1 0..127 or 127..0
CC98, 0x62 0x04 releaseDetect CC38, 0x26 0/1 send 0 on release
CC98, 0x62 0x10 slowdown CC38, 0x26 0..127 drop AIN notifications
CC98, 0x62 0x11 sense_min CC38, 0x26 & CC6, 0x6 0..1023 drop below and set sense minimum
CC98, 0x62 0x12 sense_max CC38, 0x26 & CC6, 0x6 0..1023 drop above and set sense maximum
CC98, 0x62 0x13 sense_factor CC38, 0x26 0..64 f=(range/127)
CC98, 0x62 0x21 scale_from CC38, 0x26 0..127 restrict and rescale output
CC98, 0x62 0x22 scale_to CC38, 0x26 0..127 restrict and rescale output
CC98, 0x62 0x70 CH CC38, 0x26 0..15 MIDI Channel of sensor
CC98, 0x62 0x71 CC CC38, 0x26 0..127 MIDI Controller Change Number of sensor

Table B: Control Parameters

HUI-Controllable Parameters

:!: The design of the Encoders is about to change with the next version. I just had one DIN at hand and the whole project had to be finished in time; with a second DIN and 4/5 more Encoders, everything will be a bit handier…

If you build the Sensorizer with enabled HUI-mode, it provides configuration possibilities for 4 sensors. However, you could change the code easily to support all 8 sensors.

Used Hardware:

  • 1 Mode-Switch button (PLAYMODE ↔ SETUPMODE)
  • 8 Encoders with Switch, two Encoders per sensor, the first row of encoders is called ENC_MIN, the lower ENC_MAX
  • 4 Buttons (UP, DOWN, STORE, PANIC)

Function Encoder(s) PLAYMODE SETUP-MODE
Turn ENC_MIN slowdown factor scale from
Turn ENC_MAX send value scale to
Press & Turn ENC_MIN CH (MIDI Channel) senseMin (10bit)
Press & Turn ENC_MAX CC (MIDI Controller) senseMax (10bit)
Press PANIC + PEDAL switch PEDALMODE (Mode 0 to 7)
Press & Turn PANIC + ENC_MAX senseFactor (0-32) -

Table C: Encoder Controls

BANKSTICK Patch Description

m5_sensorizer supports writing and reading to a connected bankstick.
Each patch consists of 2 pages ˆ 64 bytes ⇒ 128 bytes
2 banks with 128 patches each are available per 1 connected bankstick

Sending a PRG_CH message in PLAYMODE [P] loads the corresponding patch.
Sending a PRG_CH message in SETUPMODE[S] sets the corresponding patch without loading the patch data. Use this behavior to copy patches.

Choose the appropriate bank by sending a Coarse-Adjust Bankselect (CC#0).
In HUI-Mode, switching a bank on the device also sends the current Bank/PRG.

Memory-map of one patch:

Data Size in Bytes = Sum Page Address
Version 01 = 1 1 @ 0x00 0 @ 0x00
PatchName 15 = 16 1 1
<reserved> 08 = 24 1 16 @ 0x10
sensor[8] 08 = 32 1 24
CH[8] 08 = 40 1 32 @ 0x20
CC[8] 08 = 48 1 40
<reserved> 16 = 64 1 48 @ 0x30
slowdown[8] 08 = 8 2 @ 0x40 0 @ 0x00
sense_factor[8] 08 = 16 2 8
sens_min[8].MSB 08 = 24 2 16 @ 0x10
sens_min[8].LSB 08 = 32 2 24
sens_max[8].MSB 08 = 40 2 32 @ 0x20
sens_max[8].LSB 08 = 48 2 40
scale_from[8] 08 = 56 2 48 @ 0x30
scale_to[8] 08 = 64 2 56

Table D: Bankstick Patch Content

Patch addresses are: (patch * 0x80)
or PIC-optimized: (unsigned int)patch « 7

Example hex-output of patch#0:

**MIOS_BANKSTICK_WritePage at 0x0 
0:     02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
16:    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 80 80 80 40 08 00 00  ............@...
32:    00 00 00 00 04 04 04 04 14 15 16 17 00 00 00 00  ................
48:    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................

**MIOS_BANKSTICK_WritePage at 0x40 
0:     08 08 08 08 00 00 00 00 04 04 04 04 00 00 00 00  ................
16:    00 00 00 00 7f 00 00 00 40 40 40 40 7f 00 00 00  ........@@@@....
32:    03 03 03 03 00 00 00 00 70 70 70 70 40 40 40 40  ........pppp@@@@
48:    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7f 7f 7f 7f 00 00 00 00  ................

More details can be found in the readme.txt!
This site is about to change while the Sensorizer is beeing developed further!

have fun! – audiocommander

acsensorizer_02.txt · Last modified: 2007/11/15 18:57 by