AIN board parts
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Here are suggested part numbers for various distributors for parts for the AIN board. If you find another site or dealer with a different parts list feel free add it into the list. Also if you’ve successfully used a different part from what was listed here please add the number and/or link to the list.
Part Name | Description | Polar | soldering temp | solder dwell time | QTY | part# 1) | part# |
IC1-IC4 | CD 4051 BE | Yes | Not Recomended | ? | 4 | MOS 4051 | 511-4051 |
DIL | IC-Sockets for multiplexers | No | ??? | ? | 4 | GS 16 | 571-3902614 |
C1-C4 | Ceramic Cap 100 nF | No | 230°C ±5°C / 446°F ±10°F | 7 ±½ seconds | 4 | Z5U-2,5 100n | 80-C412C104K5R |
J* | 1-row SIL Headers (43 pins) | No | ??? | ? | 2 | STIFTL. 40G | 517-6111TG |
J* | 1-row sil con 36 con | No | ??? | ? | 2 | - | 517-850-01-36 |
- | Ribbon cable 3 meters | No | ??? | ? | 3 | AWG 28-16G | - |
ain_board_parts_list.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/14 15:32 by psykhaze