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PIC Programming

PIC Your Personal Introductory Course

by John Morton
ISBN 0 7506 5038 9
Purchased from [Amazon|] @ £14.99
This is an introductory book for the beginner. It commences with fairly simple problems using the less complicated versions of the [Microchip|] PICs. It progresses through to version of PIC having EEProms and A/D converters. I think that this is a good book to learn assembler programming for use with PICs. However I confess to not having read any other introductory book on the subject!Unfortunately the book does not cover some of the instruction set of the PIC18F452. This could of course be supplemented by downloads from Microchip.

Embedded Design with the PIC18F452 Microcontroller

by John B. Peatman
ISBN 0 13 046213-6
Purchased from [Amazon|] @ £35.99
As you can see above this is not a cheap book. However, as I progress with trying to understand MIOS I am finding that I refer to it more and more. As you can see from its title, it is written specifically for the [PIC18F452] that is the current microprocessor used in MIOS.The main advantage of this book is that it covers in detail the following topics relating to the PIC18F452 under the chapter headings:
- CPU Architecture
- Instruction Set
- LCD Displays
- Interrupts and Interrupt Timing
- Analog to Digital Conversion
- I/O Pin Considerations
- Serial Interfacing
This is not a beginners book! A beginner will need a gentler introduction such as the first book.

C von A bis Z (German)

von Jürgen Wolf, Galileo Computing
ISBN 3-89842-643-2
OpenBook (!) oder gebundene Ausgabe: 39,90 €

Ein sehr gutes, plattformübergreifendes (!) und übersichtlich aufgebautes OpenBook. Kann man online ansehen, als zip herunterladen (html) oder gebunden bestellen, was will man mehr? :)

book_reviews.1160904901.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/07/28 21:59 (external edit)