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This is an old revision of the document!

All files on this page are for DIY use only. PM me on the forum to discuss other uses, and for general help/advice/whatever regarding my design.


This is a work in progress. Some aspects are (as yet) untested, some contain bugs, and some imperfect. I have endeavoured to only share files that I have used to get PCBs, panels etc. produced. If this is not the case it will be noted. I do not plan to produce corrected design files unless I need them for myself. Use of these designs is at your own risk. A list of currently known issues follows:


- 5×17.brd contains an error due to a problem in TK's original BLM schematic. I'll be working on a software fix for this, it should be simple. - blm-full.* are currently untested, except as used in the 5×17.brd. The above schematic error is corrected. - blm-scalar.* contains an error. Pins I4-I7 are mirrored. This is easily fixed with a connector modification, and the blm-scalar module seems to work as intended. - seq-cs.* if more than 1 LED is lit per cathode the switches on that cathode don't work. Any assistance on this matter would be much appreciated! :)

Design files are currently in here:

findbuddha.1312696840.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/08/07 06:00 by findbuddha