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All files on this page are for DIY/noncommercial use only. PM me on the forum for help/advice/whatever regarding my design.

Big thanks to TK, nILS, Wilba and anyone else who helped!


All free software :)
KiCAD for PCB/Schematics:
Sketchup for main panel/chassis etc. work:
A Sketchup plugin to export to .svg:
Inkscape for .svg editing:


Chassis and front panel are from (New Zealand hub). Materials include acrylic: 3mm Black (frosted 1 side), 3mm Clear, 4.5mm Arctic Ice; and 7mm veneered MDF.
PCBs were manufactured at Gold Phoenix. Dimensions and layout were chosen/compromised to fit max. sizes available at both Ponoko and Gold Phoenix.


This is a work in progress. Some aspects are (as yet) untested, some contain bugs, and some imperfect.
I have endeavoured to only share files that I have used to get PCBs, panels etc. produced. If this is not the case it will be noted. I do not plan to produce corrected design files unless I need them for myself.
Use of these designs is at your own risk. A list of currently known issues follows:


- 5×17.brd contains an error due to a problem in TK's original BLM schematic. I'll be working on a software fix for this, it should be simple.
- blm-full.* are currently untested, except as used in the 5×17.brd. The above schematic error is corrected.
- blm-scalar.* contain an error. Pins I4-I7 are mirrored. This is easily fixed with a connector modification, and the blm-scalar module seems to work as intended.
- seq-cs.* if more than 1 LED is lit per cathode the switches on that cathode don't work. Any assistance on this matter would be much appreciated! :)
- P3-frontpanel.svg has blue (cut) lines around engraving marks for some of the fader scale lines. I have worked around this by filling the holes with paint.
- Good idea to request ponoko to do the engraving on the matte side. My prototyping runs came with the engraving on the glossy side.
- Some sanding is required to get LCD windows and button caps to fit correctly.
- Check LED orientation prior to soldering - it may not match the outline printed on the board.


findbuddha.1312698235.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/08/07 06:23 by findbuddha