- HowTo use hex2syx.pl uCApps
Drag & Drop files works on Mac OS X, on Linux you might have to type the paths (complete with TAB):
- open the terminal
- type cd (Space) and drag the {mios_application}/tools folder into the terminal window, press return
- the hex2syx.pl must be set to “executeable”. You have to do this step only once: chmod 750 hex2syx.pl and press return
- type ./hex2syx.pl (Space) and drag the .hex file into the terminal window, press return
- the .syx file should now be generated.
- upload the syx-file with with SysEx Librarian from Snoize (see HowTo use hex2syx.pl uCApps )
The script is included in almost any application inside the “/tools” folder. If for some reasons it's not inside the application you're working with, you will find it - for example - inside the ain64_din128_dout128_v2_0 app.
The newest version can be downloaded here: http://svnmios.midibox.org/trunk/bin/hex2syx.pl
hex2syx.txt · Last modified: 2008/03/26 07:54 by