Table of Contents
MB-6582 Parts List
Please read the entire construction guide before buying parts or starting to solder anything.
It is important that you understand what options you have for the PSU and sockets before buying parts. Therefore, you should read the MB-6582 Base PCB Construction Guide and decide on the PSU option and sockets you plan to use.
If you are constructing the base PCB, you will require all the parts listed here, with the exception of:
- Parts that are optional and only required by the PSU Option A, B, C or D you are using
- Parts that are PCB mounted sockets (if you are not using the PacTec PT-10 case)
- 1x PIC18F4685 per Core module (and thus per SID module)
- 1 or 2 SID chips per SID module.
- 2x 74HC595 per SID module.
- 2x or more 24LC512 (one for patches, one for ensembles)
To clarify: Each SID module can have 1 or 2 SIDs, each SID module requires a Core module. So if you have less than 8 SIDs, you only need the ICs in the Core and SID modules you will use. Thus for each Core/SID module you use, you can buy just 1x PIC18F4685 and 2x 74HC595 (plus 3x 74HC595 for DOUT modules to connect to control surface).
However, please buy enough other parts to fully construct all Core and SID modules on the base PCB, including all 8x 74HC595 for the four SID modules, all IC sockets, all other sockets, resistors, capacitors, etc.. Even if you only want to use less than 4 Core and 4 SID modules, you might get more SIDs in future, and you might also have trouble with one Core/SID module combination. Having other Core/SID modules on the PCB will help solve any problems you might have, because you can test the PIC and SID in another Core/SID module. It really is not much extra time or cost to fully construct the PCB and just not buy (leave out) the PICs and SIDs.
For each IC (designators starting with “U”), you will require an IC socket of the same size. Take note that the 28-pin IC socket required for the SIDs come in “narrow” and “wide”. You want the “wide” kind. I used the cheap, “dual-wipe” type, but you could use the more expensive “machined pin” type, which looks a little more professional.
Here is a quick tally of the ICs and IC sockets:
Part | Required | Size |
6N138 | 1 | 8-pin |
24LC512 | 8 | 8-pin |
74HC595 | 11 | 16-pin |
74HC165 | 5 | 16-pin |
SID | 8 | 28-pin (wide) |
PIC18F4685 | 4 | 40 pin |
Again I remind you to buy all these IC sockets and solder them all to the PCB, even if you don't use them all.
I would also advise people buy an extra set of of 28-pin and 40-pin sockets (of the dual-wipe kind), so you can use an extra IC socket in between the IC and the IC socket on the PCB. This allows easy insertion and removal of the PICs and SIDs while testing, and while constructing you can easily pull out all the PICs and SIDs before doing more soldering! You will want to test one “working” PIC and SID in each socket first, so extra IC sockets makes this easy with no chance of bending pins during testing.
I have listed all headers, some are single in-line (SIL) headers, some are dual row. 18 of the 5-pin single inline (SIL) headers can be replaced with 9 dual inline (DIL) 5-pin headers. (J8, J9, J6_COREx/J7_COREx and J8_COREx/J9_COREx). It is cheaper to get 40-pin headers strips and cut to the sizes required. You probably will not need any connectors for the headers other than one for the LCD (J15_CORE1, 8-pin dual row) which should be an IDC connector (crimps onto ribbon cable). If you are planning to connect analog inputs (i.e. joysticks, sliders, etc.) or connect analog outputs (i.e. CV-controlled external filters, FX units, etc.) then refer to other documentation about these options. FYI, the ports on the Core modules should have identical pinouts to SmashTV's Core PCB.
All the resistors I used on the prototype were metal film 1% tolerance (except 10K resistor networks, I don't know what type they are). But carbon resistors work just as well.
The bypass capacitors and most other capacitors are monolithic (anything else might not fit the PCB). The spacing of non-electrolytic capacitors is 5.08mm (200mil) to better deal with the different sizes.
Trim potentiometers are horizontal type, I think they are pretty standard, they are not the multiturn type.
If none of this is making much sense and you're stuck identifying what parts you need to buy, then you can wait for SmashTV to prepare a complete “parts kit” of the base PCB components, or ask for help on the forum from more experienced MIDIboxers building this PCB, or wait for the step-by-step-with-photos construction guide which I will write as I construct one of the base PCBs myself. However, I encourage everyone to go and read the documentation about each MIDIbox module (Core, SID, DIN, DOUT, BankStick) and how they fit together (i.e. into a MIDIbox SID Synthesizer V2).
Here is the full parts list.
Base PCB
Core Modules
SID Modules
- Parts B1, C1, C2, C3, C4, C11, C12, J1, V1, S1 are for PSU Options A or B.
- Parts V2, V3 are for PSU Option B only (for +9v and +12v supplies, mixing 8580/6582 and 6581 SIDs.
- Parts C13, C14, J73, J74, V4 are for PSU Option C only.
- Use a four-pin SIL header in J1A as an alternative to J1 if using a panel mounted power socket.
- JD1, JD2, JD3, JD4, JD5, JD6, JD7, JD8, JD9 are pads to connect to a control surface. If using the MB-6582 control surface PCB in a PT-10 case (or similar sized case), do not solder SIL headers to these pads, the connection to the control surface PCB is via ribbon cables soldered directly to the pads. Refer to MB-6582 Control Surface Construction Guide.
- The switch S1 is the same switch as found in a Commodore 64. You can temporarily use any DPDT switch until a good supply of these switches is located. The DPDT rocker switch from Mountain Switches which was previously suggested ( does not suit the rearpanel design.
- These capacitors on the SID control the filter cutoff frequency. For 6581, they should be 470pF. For 8580/6582, they should be 22nF. To allow for interchangeable capacitors (should you wish to swap between 6581 and 8580/6582), solder a strip of 6 machine pins (available from Farnell, Mouser and Jameco) into the pads for these capacitors. Alternately, cut up an IC socket. Even if you plan to only use one type of SID, not soldering the capacitors gives you the opportunity to tweak the capacitors, install better ones later, etc.
- If using PSU Option B, 3-pin SIL headers in these pads allow switching the voltage supply to the SID between +9v and +12v. Use a jumper (shunt). If using PSU Option A, bridge between middle pin and “9V” pin with a resistor lead.
- These are the SID's audio input and output headers, which can be used to connect feedback pots (like on the rear panel of MB-6582). If not using (or until you connect) feedback pots, use a jumper (shunt) between “IN” and “GND” pins. You can also use these headers to connect audio sockets for external audio input to the SID (but preferably sockets with switch so unused socket will ground the input).
- If you plan to use heatsinks on voltage regulators, it is best to attach them first, or you may solder the regulator too close to the PCB.
- Audio sockets (jacks) are Neutrik NMJ6HFD2 or equivalent (check Neutrik's datasheet for comparison). Other parts (even from Neutrik) are similar enough to fit. Note that some brands of this kind of audio socket have the switch pins on the opposite side and will not work “as is” on the PCB and require bridging the switch pins from the pins normally in contact with the phono plug. Ideally the socket should mount flat against the PCB and only the threaded part extend past the PCB (i.e. so sockets can mount flush with rear panel holes).
- These are 5 or 6 pin common bus resistor networks, in which one pin is “common” and is connected to all the other pins via resistors. The dot indicates pin 1 (the common pin), which goes in the square pad (left-side) directly above/below the component identifier (eg. “R31”). Do not get a 6-pin resistor network which is three isolated resistors connected to three pairs of pins. The correct one is Mouser part 264-10K-RC. If buying elsewhere, I believe if given a choice between parts with an “A” or “B”, the “A” means “common bus” and “B” means “isolated”. (See here:
- Make sure you get caps with a leg width(RM) of 5,0 and not the more common 7,5 RM ones. Those won't fit.