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mb-808re [2016/07/03 23:56] – [MB-808RE] psykhazemb-808re [2016/08/08 21:11] (current) – [Mods] psykhaze
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 ====== MB-808-RE ====== ====== MB-808-RE ======
-The MB-808-RE is a re-edit of TOMS/CONG and BD/SD drum parts of the Roland TR-808 to be controlled via MIDI or CV  in a a Eurorack-designed panel.It bases upon the work done on MB-606RE\\+===== Introduction ===== 
 +The MB-808-RE is a re-edit of TOMS/CONG and BD/SD drum parts of the Roland TR-808 to be controlled via MIDI or CV  in a a Eurorack-designed panel.It's based upon the work done on [[MB-606RE]]\\
 Some Circuit Mods from around Web & time are included .\\ Some Circuit Mods from around Web & time are included .\\
-===== FrontPanel ===== 
-{{ ::neonking:mb808re.jpg?direct&600 |}} 
-===== Community users working on it ===== 
-  * **[[Phatline]]** BD+SD-PCB , BD+SD UI-PCB, AOUT_LC/5xTrigger/MIDI-CV In PCB,Program4Core +===== Original Schematics ===== 
-  * **[[Psykhaze]]** AOUT_LC/5xTrigger/MIDI-CV In PCB, TOMS/CONG PCB, Main UI PCB, Alu Plates Sourcing Design+ 
 +==== Global ==== 
 +{{ :undefined:neonking:tr-808-global.jpg?direct&800 |}} 
 +==== BD/SD ==== 
 +{{ ::neonking:808bd.jpg?direct&600 |}} 
 +{{ ::neonking:808sd.jpg?direct&600 |}} 
 +===Toms/Congas ==== 
 +{{ ::neonking:808toms-congas.jpg?direct&500 |}} 
 +==== Mods ====
-===== Getting Involved ? =====+  * **[[|Stereoping]]**//
-Just let a Private message on the forum to users already involved 
mb-808re.1467590211.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/03 23:56 by psykhaze