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16th fixed PolySequencer

Specs ?

4 Midi-Channels: 1 2 3 4
–2 Tracks a Channel
–8 Notes-Chord a Track
–each track has a dedicated and changeable loop-length from 16 to 512 Steps (example for 4-4)
–each Track can played single and booth tracks can be played simultan/in-dual
–each Track record/playback PitchBend, the right one of a Track-Couple is the Pitchbend we hear
–when the right one is muted & the left track is unmuted = the left tracks PitchBend is what we hear…
–so you could play a chord @left-track, and while you record or play new notes left or right, both notes getting PitchBended by the right tracks Pitchbend

Fixed Velocity @ 127
–no Keyboard-Velocity-sense Triggermatrix does the job of sensing drum trigger in order to re-trigger the moldy buffer

16th fixed note-trigger-rate
–puts out note-data in 16rate (in order to provide a steady note stream for Triggermatrix)
–a connected Triggermatrix (allows not only 4-4, all other things like 5-4 are possible!)
Triggermatrix does the job of melody-rythm-re-triggering}

128 Songs saved on SD-Card
–Load-able while playing - when the beat-structure is the same
–each song provide 4clips on each of 8tracks = 8x 4clips x128Songs = 8x512clips a track = 4096clips saved on SD-Card
–so 4x

the Midi-System-Setup

–fixed/hardcoded (Midi-Ports, Midi-Channels))

MidiPort 32-in:
–Midi-Clock-Source, Start-Stop, ProgramChange @ MidiChannel 1

MidiPort 33-in:
–connected to a Midikeyboard @ MidiChannel 1

MidiPort 33-out:
–connected to Triggermatrix -Melody-In-Port, or a poly-synth)


Code - C and HEX

so when you have those things, upload the Code
–a almost not working beta here the beta

fabricated PCB-Version

not planed!

Community users working on it

  • Phatline = Programming, Documentation, Hardware-Prototype

Getting Involved ?

Just let a Private message on the forum to user already involved

16th_fixed_polysequencer.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/20 04:47 by phatline