Table of Contents
I'm Durisian.
I live in Melbourne, Victoria , Australia.
In the real world I work as a Theatre Technician.
Pedal Box
This is my first project. It started out very simple, but has grown into a massive project.
It uses a custom application to allow for up to 8 CV pedals, and an LCD display.
I use this as an extension to the Behringer FC1010 Pedal Board to give more control over my V-Amp Pro.
While in development I realised that it wouldn't be that hard to expand the code to make it powerful floorboard.
Pedal Board
is the spawn of pedal box. It's a massive floorboard controller supporting of 8 pedals and 32 buttons. Banks provide 128 virtual buttons.
MIDIBox64e w/remote
This is going to be my main daw controller. The main console will have:
- A continous fader (encoder with a belt) w/16 leds
- An encoder for pan w/13 leds
- 12 encoders for EQ w/13 leds
- Jog Wheel
- 32 buttons.
Render of what it might look like
There will also be 2 remote consoles. Featuring:
- 20 buttons
Render of what it might look like
The remote consoles will only have a DINX3 and a DOUTx3 inside.
They will patch into the DIN/DOUT chain via Cat5 at the main console
Software is stock standard 64e.
This project is still in the very early stages of construction.
Shortcut Trigger for Enttec Light Factory
I'm building this for a friend who wanted access to flash buttons for Light Factory (PC based DMX lighting controller), without spending thousands on the wings.
Where I Shop
Rockby, Clayton
Great prices, Heaps of stuff.
I get: Resisters, Capacitors, Pots, LED's, Buttons, all the misc stuff like IC Sockets, pin headers, etc
Smash TV http://www.avishowtech/mbhp/
You should already know all about this place
I get: Pre-burned PIC's, Circuit Boards, Encoders.
Great prices, very resonable shipping, Easy to use website
I get: IC's (Shift Registers, Opto-couplers), LCD's. As I often place orders here I usually grab some misc parts as well
Big stores with lots of stock on display. Prices not so good. But can be really helpful to go in and play with buttons, or check out parts before purchasing.
Also open all weekend!
I get: the stuff I forgot to order from other places!!